1. Xue, Rui; Liu, Ruo-Yu; Wang, Ze-Rui; Ding, Nan; Wang, Xiang-Yu, A two-zone blazar radiation model for "orphan" neutrino flares, 2020, ApJ, 906, 51
2. Liu, Ruo-Yu; Xi, Shao-Qiang & Wang, Xiang-Yu, Neutrino emission from an off-axis jet driven by the tidal disruption event AT2019dsg, 2020, PRD, 102, 083028
3. Xi, Shao-Qiang; Liu, Ruo-Yu; Wang, Xiang-Yu; Yang, Rui-Zhi; Yuan, Qiang & Zhang, Bing, A Serendipitous Discovery of GeV Gamma-Ray Emission from Supernova 2004dj in a Survey of Nearby Star-forming Galaxies with Fermi-LAT, 2020, ApJL, 896, 33
4. Liu, Ruo-Yu & Yan, Huirong, On the unusually large spatial extent of the TeV nebula HESS J1825-137: implication from the energy-dependent morphology, 2020, MNRAS, 494, 2618
5. Liu, Ruo-Yu; Yan, Huirong & Zhang, Heshou, Understanding the Multiwavelength Observation of Geminga's Tev Halo: The Role of Anisotropic Diffusion of Particles, 2019, PRL, 123, 221103
6. Xue, Rui; Liu, Ruo-Yu; Petropoulou, Maria; Oikonomou, Foteini; Wang, Ze-Rui; Wang, Kai & Wang, Xiang-Yu, A Two-zone Model for Blazar Emission: Implications for TXS 0506+056 and the Neutrino Event IceCube-170922A, 2019, ApJ, 886, 23
7. Xi, Shao-Qiang; Liu, Ruo-Yu; Huang, Zhi-Qiu; Fang, Kun & Wang, Xiang-Yu, GeV Observations of the Extended Pulsar Wind Nebulae Constrain the Pulsar Interpretations of the Cosmic-Ray Positron Excess, 2019, ApJ, 878, 104
8. Liu, Ruo-Yu; Ge, Chong; Sun, Xiao-Na & Wang, Xiang-Yu, Constraining the magnetic field in the TeV halo of Geminga with the X-ray observation, 2019, ApJ, 875, 149
9. Liu, Ruo-Yu; Wang, Kai; Xue, Rui; Taylor, Andrew M.; Wang, Xiang-Yu; Li, Zhuo & Yan, Huirong, Hadronuclear interpretation of a high-energy neutrino event coincident with a blazar flare, 2019, PRD, 99, 063008
10. Liu, Ruo-Yu; Yan, Huirong; Wang, Xiang-Yu; Shao, Shi & Li, Hui, Gamma-Ray Production in the Extended Halo of the Galaxy and Possible Implications for the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays, 2019, ApJ, 871, 40