手 机:13776652852
邮 箱:houxiyun@nju.edu.cn
地 址:南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号南京大学天文与空间科学学院,210023
2013.01~2014.12,University of Colorado Boulder, 访问学者
2017.01~至今, 南京大学,教授
杂志Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy、Astrodynamics、《天文学报》、《航天技术与工程学报》编委
[1] Liu X., Hou X., Yao J., et al., Precise orbit determination of Mars-crossing asteroids, the Astronomical Journal, 2024, accepted.
[2] Liu X., Armellin R., Pirovano L., Hou X., Initial orbit determination of periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon system with ground-based optical observations, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024, online
[3] Liu M., Hou X., Li B., Li H., Stability of spatial orbits around Earth-Moon triangular libration points, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2024, 535, 2619-2632
[4] Hou X., Li B., Liu X., et al., Initial orbit determination of some cislunar orbits based on short-arc optical observations, Astrodynamics, 2024, 8, 455-469
[5] Wang Y., Topputo F., Hou X., Analytic gradients in normalized low-thrust trajectory optimization with interior-point constraints, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2024, 47, 9
[6] Chen H., Hou X., Bando M., Stable orbiting around small Moons using J2-perturbed elliptic restricted problem, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2024, 47, 7
[7] Miao Y., Hou X., Capture efficiency analysis in the circular restricted three-body problem, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2024, 24, 055016
[8] Wang Y., Hou X., Topputo F., Thrust continuation of time-optimal orbital transfers with soft terminal conditions, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2024, 369, 39
[9] Tan P., Hou X., A perturbative treatment of the Yarkovsky-driven drifts in the 2:1 mean motion resonance, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024, 689, A4
[10] Li B., Hou X., The main problem of lunar orbit revisited, the Astronomical Journal, 2023, 165, 147
[11] Liu X., Hou X., Yang Z., Gan Q., Zhang Y., Measuring the orbit drift of near-Earth asteroids by the Yarkovsky effect, the Astrophysical Journal, 2023, 950, 50
[12] Li Y., Xin X., Hou X., Two-maneuver indirect contingency return from a low lunar orbit, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023, 36, 115-127
[13] Tan P., Wang H., Hou X., Attitude instability of the secondary in the synchronous binary asteroid, Icarus, 2023, 390, 115289
[14] Tan P., Hou X., Liao X., A semi-analytical model for coorbital motion, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 522, 2821-2834
[15] Li H., Hou X., Feasibility analysis of autonomous orbit determination and gravity-field recovery arouond asteroids using inter-satellite range data, Aerospace, 2023, 10, 304
[16] Pan S., Hou X., Analysis of resonance transition periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem, Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 8952
[17] Tan P., Tang J.S., Hou X., Semi-analytical investigations on the dynamics of BeiDou inclined geosynchronous satellite orbit, Advances in Space Research, 2022, 70, 1234-1251
[18] Li Y., Hou X., Station-keeping around triangular libration points in the Earth-Moon system, Advances in Space Research, 2022, 70, 3373-3392
[19] Wang H., Hou X., Forced hovering orbit above the primary in the binary asteroid system, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2022, 1340, 50
[20] Wang H., Xin X., Hou X., Feng J., Stability of the planar synchronous full two-body problem-the approach of periodic orbits, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2022, 114, 106638
[21] Gao Z., Hou X., Comparison of autonomous orbit determination for satellite pairs in lunar halo and distant retrograde orbits, Navigation, 2022, 69, 522
[22] Pan S., Hou X., Resonant families of periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022, 22, 072002
[23] Feng J., Hou X., Di Lizia P., Armellin R., Santeramo D.A., Sensitivity analysis of the orbital motion around 469219 Kamo’oalewa (2016 HO3) to uncertainties on asteroid mass and solar radiation pressure, Advances in Space Research, 2022, 69, 1602-1618
[24] Feng J., Santeramo D., Di Lizia P., Armellin R., Hou X., Dynamical structure of the motion around asteroids with uncertain gravity and solar radiation pressure, Acta Astronautica, 2021, 186, 135-147
[25] Tan P., Hou X., Liao X., Explicit solution and resonance dynamics around triangular libration points of the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2021, 133, 31
[26] Wang H., Hou X., Break-up of the synchronous state of binary asteroid systems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 505, 6037-6050
[27] Wang P., Jiang X., Hou X., et al., Ground- and space-based observation of Kordylewski clouds, Space: Science & Technology, 2021, 6597921
[28] Hou X., Xin X., Feng J., Forced motions around triangular libration points by solar radiation pressure in a binary asteroid system, Astrodynamics, 2020, 4, 17-30
[29] Tan P., Hou X., Liao X., Wang W., Tang J., Secular resonance in nonrestricted hierarchical triple systems, the Astronomical Journal, 2020, 160, 139
[30] Pan S., Hou X., Two-maneuver transfers from the collinear L2 point to the triangular L4 point in the Earth-Moon system, Advances in Space Research, 2020, 65, 2878-2893
[31] Chen H., Canalias E., Hestroffer D., Hou X., Effective stability of quasi-satellite orbits in the spatial problem for Phobos exploration, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2020, 43, 2309-2320
[32] Wang H., Hou X., On the secondary’s rotation in a synchronous binary asteroid, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, 493, 171-183
[33] Gao Z., Hou X., Coverage analysis of lunar communication/navigation constellation based on halo orbits and distant retrograde orbits, Journal of Navigation, 2020, 73, 932-952
[34] Feng J., Armellin R., Hou X., Orbit propagation in irregular and uncertain gravity field using differential algebra, Acta Astronautica, 2019, 161, 338-347
[35] Feng J., Hou X., secular dynamics around small bodies with solar radiation pressure, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 76, 71-91
[36] Feng J., Hou X., Armellin R., Survey on studies about model uncertainties in small body explorations, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2019, 110, 100549
[37] Hou X., Xin X., Feng J., Genealogy and stability of periodic orbit families around uniformly rotating asteroids, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018, 56, 93-114
[38] Hou X., Integration of the full two-body problem by using generalized inertia integrals, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2018, 363, 38
[39] Hou X., Xin X., A note on the full two-body problem and related restricted full three-body problem, Astrodynamics, 2018, 2, 39-52
[40] Feng J., Hou X., The semi-analytical analysis of orbital evolution around an asteroid under the effects of the C20 term, the solar radiation pressure and the asteroid’s orbital eccentricity, Advances in Space Research, 2018, 62, 2649-2664
[41] Lu Y., Hou X., Meng Y., Trajectory design and optimization for LEO satellites in formation to observe GEO satellites’ beams, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2018, 8, 368-385
[42] Hou X., Scheeres D.J., Xin X. S., Mutual potential between two rigid bodies with arbitrary shapes and mass distributions, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2017, 127, 369 -395
[43] Hou X., Xin X.., A note on the spin-orbit, spin-spin, and spin-orbit-spin resonances in binary minor planet system, Astronomical Journal, 2017, 154, 257
[44] Feng J., Hou X., Dynamics of equilibrium points in a uniformly rotating second-order and degree gravitational field, Astronomical Journal, 154, 21, 2017
[45] Xin X., Hou X., Equilibrium points in the restricted full three body problem with ellipsoidal primaries, Astronomical Journal, 154, 37, 2017
[46] Wang X., Hou X., Dynamical spreading of small bodies in 1:1 resonance with planets by the diurnal Yarkovsky effect, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471, 243-254, 2017
[47] Tang J., Hou X., Liu L., Long-term evolution of the inclined geosynchronous orbit in Beidou navigation satellite system, Advances in Space Research, 2017, 59, 762-774
[48] Hou X., Scheeres D.J., Liu L., Dynamics of the Jupiter Trojans with Saturn’s perturbation when the two planets are in migration, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2016, 125, 451-484
[49] Xin X., Scheeres D.J., Hou X., Forced periodic motions by solar radiation pressure around uniformly rotating asteroids, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2016, 126, 405-432
[50] Feng J., Noomen R., Hou X., et al., 1:1 ground-track resonance in a uniformly rotating 4th degree and order gravitational field, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2017, 127, 69-93
[51] Hou X., Scheeres D.J., Liu L., Stable motions around triangular libration points in the real Earth-Moon system, Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015, 454, 4172-4181
[52] Zhang Z., Hou X., Transfer to the Earth-Moon triangular libration points, Advances in Space Research, 2015, 55, 2899-2913
[53] Zhao Y., Ji J., Huang J., Hu S., Hou X., et al., Orientation and rotational parameters of asteroid 4179 Toutatis: new insights from Chang’e-2’s close flyby, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015, 450, 3620-3632
[54] Hou X., Liu L., Double lunar swing-by orbits revisited, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57, 784-790
[55] Hou X., Scheeres D.J., Liu L., Saturn Trojans: a dynamical point of view, Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 437, 1420-1433
[56] Hou X., Scheeres D.J., Liu L., Dynamics of the Jupiter Trojans with Saturn’s perturbation in the present configuration of the two planets, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2014, 119, 119-142
[57] Liu P., Hou X., Tang J., Liu L., Application of two special orbits in the orbit determination of lunar satellites, Research in Astron. Astrophys, 2014, 14, 1307-1328
[58] Hou X., Liu L., Bifurcating families around collinear libration points, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2013, 116, 241-263
[59] Yu S. Hou X., Liu L., On two kinds of intermediate orbits for asteroid explorations, Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52, 125-135
[60] Lei H., Xu B., Hou X., Sun Y., High-order solutions of invariant manifolds associated with libration point orbits in the elliptic restricted three-body problem, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2013, 117, 349-384
[61] Hou X., Zhao Y., Liu L., Formation flying in elliptic orbits with the J2 perturbation, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, 12, 1563-1575
[62] Hou X., Liu L., On quasi-periodic motions around the collinear libration points in the real Earth-Moon System, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2011, 110, 71-98
[63] Hou X., Liu L., Zhao. Y.H., On some applications of invariant manifolds, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, 11(1), 103-118
[64] Hou X., Liu L., Tang. J.S., Station-keeping of small amplitude motions around the collinear libration point in the real Earth-Moon system, Advances in Space Research, 2011, 47, 1127~1134
[65] Hou X., Liu L., On motions around the collinear libration points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem, Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011,415, 3552-3560
[66] Hou X., Liu L., On quasi-periodic motions around the triangular libration points of the real Earth-Moon System, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2010, 108: 301-313
[67] Hou X., On critical values concerning the evolution of the long period families, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009, 9(4), 494-500
[68] Hou X., Liu L., On bridges B(pL,qS) around triangular libration points, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2009, 104: 241-256
[69] Hou X., Liu L., On Lyapunov families around collinear libration points, the Astronomical Journal, 2009, 137: 4577-4585
[70] Hou X., Liu L., A new critical value concerning the genealogy of long period families at L4 in the restricted three-body problem, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2008, 8(1), 103-107
[71] Hou X., Liu L., Bridges of the B (pL, pL’) kind around the triangular libration points, Astrophysical Journal, 2008, 678, 1511-1516
[72] Hou X., Liu L., The symmetric horseshoe periodic families and the Lyapunov planar family around L3, Astronomical Journal, 2008, 136, 67-75
[73] Hou X., Liu L., Vertical bifurcation families from the long and short period families around the equilateral equilibrium points, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2008, 101, 309-320
[74] Liu C., Hou X., Liu L., Transfer from the Earth to a Lissajous orbit around the collinear libration point by lunar swing-by, Advances in Space Research, 2007, 40, 76-82
[75] Hou X., Wang H.H., Liu L., On station-keeping and control of the world space observatory/ ultraviolet, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2006, 6(3), 372~378
[76] 刘沐林,侯锡云,小天体离散元仿真软件的搭建与测试,天文学报,2024,65,
[77] 王舒,李爱跟,高健,侯锡云,等,基于中国空间站的星际与行星际尘埃的捕获与溯源,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2024,54,129501
[78] 刘欣、侯锡云、刘林、甘庆波、杨志涛,基于智能优化算法的小天体初轨确定,天文学报,2023,64,44
[79] 谭盼、沈欣和,侯锡云、廖新浩,限制性及行星三体问题中的共轨运动研究回顾,天文学进展,2022,40,58-94
[80] 耿光有,王珏,侯锡云,等,长征运载火箭发射地火直接转移轨道研究,北京航空航天大学学报,2020,46,20-28
[81] 辛晓生,侯锡云,刘林,地月系L1点的月球借力间接转移轨道设计,飞行器测控学报,2014,33,65-70
[82] 侯锡云,刘林,连续小推力作用下的共线平动点,力学学报,2013,45,266-273
[83] 赵玉晖,侯锡云,刘林,月球探测中转移轨道误差分析和中途修正计算,天文学报,2013,54,261-273
[84] 侯锡云,赵玉晖,刘林,月球探测中的无动力返回轨道,天文学报,2012,53,308-318
[85] 赵玉晖,侯锡云,刘林,月球返回轨道再入角变化特征,飞行器测控学报,2010,29,75-79
[86] 赵玉晖,侯锡云,刘林,地火转移轨道误差分析与第1次中途修正计算,飞行器测控学报,2012,31,74-79
[87] 侯锡云,刘林,探测器顶点在日-地+月系三角平动点附近的轨道控制,宇航学报,2009,30,145-149
[88] 侯锡云,刘林,利用太阳帆定点探测器在地-月系共线平动点附近的探讨,宇航学报,2009,30,2249-2257
[89] 侯锡云,刘林,地—月系三角平动点附近小振幅运动的控制,深空探测研究,2009,7,32-36
[90] 刘林,侯锡云,深空探测器运行轨道的基本性态,飞行器测控学报,2009,28,1-3
[91] 侯锡云,刘林,共线平动点的动力学特征及其在深空探测中的应用,宇航学报,2008,29,736-747
[92] 侯锡云,刘林,定点在日—地(月)系L1点附近的探测器的发射及维持,天文学报,2007,3,364-372
[93] 刘林,侯锡云,王海红,关于共线平动点的特征及其在深空探测中的应用,天文学进展,2006,24,175-183
[94] 侯锡云,王建峰,刘林,“WSO/UV(世界空间紫外天文台的轨道特征与轨道保持” 飞行器测控学报,2005,Vol.24,38-43
[95] 侯锡云,刘林,“关于探测器定点在共线平动点附近的控制问题” 飞行器测控学报,2005,24, 29-33
[96] 刘 林,侯锡云,王建峰,王海红,关于空间探测定位在太阳系中特殊点上的有关问题,天文学进展,2005,23,180-189
[97] 侯锡云,刘林,中间轨道实用化的进一步探讨,飞行器测控学报,2004,23,24-29
[1] 高朝阳,侯锡云,胡松华,谷晓松,谭盼,基于CUDA的巨型星座覆盖性能并行计算方法,ZL 2022 1 0227313.5,2023年4月07日
[2] 刘沐林,侯锡云,基于DEM仿真算法的多粒子系统模拟软件,2023年7月29日,软件著作权,登记号:2024SR0001744
[1] Liu X., Armellin R., Hou X., Pirovano L., Analyzing collision probability for asteroids detected on too short arcs, 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy, Oct 14-18, 2024 (oral) Paper No. IAC-24-E10,2,10,x90766
[2] Wang Y., Hou X., Pan S., Reachable set of invariant manifold with low thrust, 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy, Oct 14-18, 2024 (oral) Paper No. IAC-24,C1,IPB,16, x86811
[3] Wang Y., Hou X., Solution space studies of optimal low-thrust trajectories in the circular restricted three-body problem, 29th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Darmstadt, Germany, April. 22-26, 2024 (oral)
[4] Pan S., Topputo F., Hou X., Wang Y., On optimal three-impulse Earth-Moon transfers in a four-body model, 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris, France, Sep 18-22, 2022 (oral)
[5] Hou X., Li Y., Li B., Resonance orbits in the Earth-Moon system, 28th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Beijing, Aug. 29-Sep 02, 2022 (oral)
[6] Feng J.-L., Hou X.-Y., Santeramo D.A., Di Lizia P., Armellin R., Sensitivity analysis of orbital motion around 2016 HO3 to the uncertainties of gravity and solar radiation pressure, 71st International Astronautical Congress, Cyberspace edition, Oct 12-14, 2020, Paper No: IAC-20,C1,7,x59075
[7] Gao Z., Hou X., Coverage of the lunar surface by satellite on halo orbits and distant retrograde orbits, 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, USA, Oct 21-25, 2019.
[8] Hou X., Li Y., Tang J., Liu L., Resonance orbits in a binary asteroid system, 32th ISTS & 9th NSAT, Aossa, Fukui, Japan, Jun. 15-21, 2019 (oral)
[9] Hou X., Li Y.., Feng J., Tang J., Liu L., Orbit inclination change of lunar probes utilizing Earth's gravity, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Breman, Germany, Oct 1-5, 2018, oral, Paper No: IAC-18-D2,3,9,x43552
[10] Feng J., Armelin R., Hou X., Di Lizia P., State propagation in uncertain irregular gravity field with differential algebra method, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Breman, Germany, Oct 1-5, 2018, oral, Paper No: IAC-2018-C1,2,9,x44184
[11] Cheng H., Canalias E., Hestroffer D., Hou X., Computation and stability analysis of quasi-satellite orbits around Phobos, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Breman, Germany, Oct 1-5, 2018, oral, Paper No: IAC-18-C1.2.8
[12] Xin X., Hou X., Liu L., Dong G., Bounded motions about synchronous binary asteroid systems with application to 65803 Didymos, 68th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide, Astralia, Sep 25-29, 2017, oral, Paper No: IAC-17-C1.8.11
[13] Xin X., Hou X., Liu L., Dong G., On the equilibrium points of doubly synchronous binary asteroid systems, 31st ISTS & 26th ISSFD & 8th NSAT, June 3-9, 2017, Ehime, Japan, oral, Paper No: ISTS-2017-d-021/ISSFD-2017-021
[14] Feng J., Noomen R., Hou X., Visser P., Yuan J.-P., Tang J.-S., Liu L., Investigation of 1:1 resonance in a rotating 4th degree and order gravitational field, 31st ISTS & 26th ISSFD & 8th NSAT, June 3-9, 2017, Ehime, Japan, oral, Paper No: ISTS-2017-d-018/ISSFD-2017-018
[15] Xin X., Hou X., Liu L., Dynamics of libration points in the general asynchronous binary asteroid systems, 27th AAS/AIAA space flight Mechanics Meeting, San Antonio, TE, USA, Feb 5-9, 2017, oral, Paper No: AAS 17-261
[16] Feng J.L., Hou X., Dynamics around equilibrium points of uniformly rotating asteroids, 27th AAS/AIAA space flight Mechanics Meeting, San Antonio, TE, USA, Feb 5-9, 2017, oral, Paper No: AAS 17-262
[17] Hou X., Scheeres D.J., Xin X., Feng J., Tang J., Liu L., Stability analysis of orbital motions around uniformly rotating irregular asteroids, 31st ISTS & 26th ISSFD & 8th NSAT, June 3-9, 2017, Ehime, Japan, oral, Paper No: ISTS-2017-d-020/ISSFD-2017-020
[18] Hou X., Xin X., Feng J., Tang J., Liu L., Equilibrium points in the doubly synchronous binary asteroid systems? 68th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide, Australia, Sep 25-29, 2017, oral, Paper No: IAC-17-C1.8.11
[19] Hou X., Xin S., Tang J., Liu L., Dynamics around libration points in the binary asteroid system, 25th ISSFD (International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics), Munich, Germany, Oct. 19-23, 2015 (postal)
[20] Xin X., Scheeres D.J., Hou X., Liu L., Dynamics of satellites around asteroids in presence of solar radiation pressure, International Astronomical Union Symposium 318 – Asteroids: New Observations, New Models, pp 250-258, Honolulu, USA, Aug. 3-7, 2015, poster
[21] Hou X., Tang J., Liu L., Several possible mission orbits around Earth-Moon triangular libration points, 30th ISTS (International Symposium on Space Technology and Science), Kobe-Hyogo, July 4-10, 2015 (oral)
[22] Xin X., Hou X., Liu L., Tang J., Comparison study of two gravity models for asteroids, 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, Jul. 4-10, 2015, oral, Paper No: 2015-d-29
[23] Zhang Z., Hou X., Liu L., Order-three analytical solution for the relative motion around the triangular libration points and the applications to spacecraft formation flying, 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, Jul. 4-10, 2015 (oral)
[24] Hou X., Liu L., Tang J., A conceptual study of autonomous orbit determination of lunar satellites with solar sails, 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, Sep 29-Oct 3, 2014 (postal)
[25] Hou X., Liu P., Yu S., Liu L., Navigation constellation in the Earth-Moon system, 29th ISTS Conference, Nagoya-Aichi, Japan, June 2-9, 2013 (oral)
[26] Zhao Y., Hou X., Liu L., Navigation system formed by spacecraft located at the Earth- Moon libration points, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, Oct 01-05, 2012 (postal)
[27] Zhao Y., Hou X., Liu L., Formation flying around libration points of circular restricted three-body problem with small \mu, 13th International Space Conference of Pacific-basin Societies, May 15-18, 2012, Kyoto, Japan (oral)
[28] Zhao Y., Hou X., Liu L., Propagation of errors in Moon transfer trajectories, 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 03-07, 2011 (oral)
[29] Hou X., Liu L., Zhao Y.H., Tang J. S., A simplified model for motions around the collinear libration points in the Earth-Moon system, 62nd IAC Conference, Oct 3-7, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa (oral).
[30] Zhao Y., Hou X., Liu L., On several station-keeping strategies of orbits around collinear libration points by utilizing solar sails, 28th ISTS Conference, Okinawa, Japan, June 5-12, 2011 (oral)
[31] Zhao Y., Hou X., Liu L., Studies on re-entry angle of lunar probe, 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech, Oct 1-7, 2010 (oral)
[32] Hou X., Tang J., Liu L., Dynamics of libration points in the real Earth-Moon system, ISCOPS 2010, Montreal, Canada, July 27~30, 2010 (oral)
[33] Hou X., Liu L., On utilization of solar sails in triangular libration point missions in the Earth-Moon system, 27th ISTS (International Symposium on Space Technology and Science) Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, July 5-12, 2009 (oral);
[34] Hou X., Liu L., Station-keeping of spacecraft around the equilateral equilibrium points, 26th ISTS conference, Hamamatsu, Japan, June 2-8, 2008 (oral);
[35] Hou X., Tang J., Liu L., Transfer to the collinear libration Point L3 in the Sun-Earth+ Moon System, 20th ISSFD (International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics), Annapolis, USA, Sep. 24-28, 2007 (oral);
[36] Wang H., Liu L., Hou X., Orbit design for Moon orbiting satellite, 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 2-6, 2006 (oral);
[37] Hou X., Liu L., On orbit control of spacecrafts around the collinear libration point L2 of the Earth-Moon system, 8th ILEWG (International Lunar Exploration on Working Group), Beijing, China, July 23-27, 2006 (oral);
[38] Hou X., Liu L., Application of invariant manifolds in transfer to and between Sun-Earth halo orbits, 25th ISTS (International Symposium on Space Technology and Science) & 19th ISSFD (International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics), Kanazawa, Japan, June 4-11, 2006 (oral);
[39] Hou X., Liu L., On low-thrust orbit control strategy for spacecrafts around the collinear libration points, IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 11-13, 2005 (oral);
[40] 侯锡云,王鹏,辛晓生,地月空间灰尘粒子的演化特征,第33届全国空间探测学术研讨会,2020年11月22-26日,海口,口头报告
[41] 潘珊珊,侯锡云,刘林,限制性三体问题的共振轨道研究,第17届中国宇航学会深空探测专业技术委员会,2020年11月12-13日,深圳,口头报告
[42] 王海槊,侯锡云,轨旋同步双星的动力学演化研究,第17届中国宇航学会深空探测专业技术委员会,2020年11月12-13日,深圳,口头报告,优秀论文
[43] 刘欣,侯锡云,近地小天体的动能撞击轨道研究,第17届中国宇航学会深空探测专业技术委员会,2020年11月12-13日,深圳,口头报告
[44] 邓辉,侯锡云,数值积分器的精度比较及月球的星历计算,第28届中国飞行器测控学术会议,成都,2016年11月9日~11日
[45] 侯锡云,张政涛,邓辉,地月系三角平动点在深空探测中的应用,第12届深空探测专业委员会,哈尔滨,2015年8月14日~17日
[46] 侯锡云,赵玉晖,刘林,地月间的转移轨道研究,第26届中国飞行器测控学术会议,南京,2012年10月16日~18日
[47] 侯锡云,赵玉晖,刘林,共线平动点附近运动的一种宽松控制策略,第八届深空探测年会,上海,2011年10月25日~29日
[48] 辛晓生,侯锡云,刘林,利用月球借力的地—月系L1点的间接转移轨道设计,第五届航天技术创新国际会议,上海,2013年5月21日~23日
[49] 刘鹏,张政涛,侯锡云,拉格朗日点在月球星座卫星定轨中的应用,第五届航天技术创新国际会议,上海,2013年5月21日~23日
[1] Liu X., Hou X., Liu S., Armellin R., Measuring orbit drift of Mars-crossing asteroids by Yarkovsky effect, 20th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Pyeongchang, Korea, June 23-29, 2024, oral
[2] Hou X., Liu X., Cheng H., Zhang Y., Impact probability computation of NEOs with low speed encounters, 21st Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Pyeongchang, Korea, June 23-29, 2024, poster
[3] Liu X., Hou X., Liu S., Armellin R., Measuring orbit drift of Mars-crossing asteroids by Yarkovsky effect, 20th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Jul 31-Aug 3, 2023 (oral)
[4] Li H., Hou X., Cheng H., Orbit determination and gravity field recovery around asteroids using inter-satellite range data, 20th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Jul 31-Aug 3, 2023 (poster)
[5] Hou X., Spin-orbit coupling of binary asteroids, CELMEC VIII, University of Rome Tor Vergate, Italy, Sep 5-9, 2022, invited talk
[6] Hou X., Orbitaly dynamics around asteroids, 2nd International Stardust Conference, Noordwijk, Netherlands, Nov. 7-11, 2022, invited talk
[7] Hou X., Initial orbit determination of cislunar objects using only optical data, 2nd International Stardust Conference, Noordwijk, Netherlands, Nov. 7-11, 2022, oral
[8] Hou X., Resonance orbits in the Earth-Moon system, 28th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Beijing, Aug 29-Sep 2, 2022, oral
[9] Hou X., Spin-orbit resonances in binary asteroid system, Sino-German Youth Forum---From KBOs to JFCs, Nanjing, China, May 20-25, 2019, invited talk
[10] Hou X., Feng J., Tang J., Liu L., on the spin-orbit-spin coupling in the binary asteroid systems, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 14-22, 2018, Pasadena, USA, poster
[11] Hou X, spin-orbit coupling in binary asteroid system, Symposium on Asteroids and Comet Gravity and Interiors, Dec 16-18, 2018, Wuhan, China, invited talk
[12] Hou X.-Y., Feng J.-L., Tang J.-S., Liu L., On the spin-orbit-spin coupling in the binary asteroid systems, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 14-22, 2018, Pasadena, USA, No. B1.1-0084-18 (poster)
[13] Liu L., Hou X.-Y., A review on the orbital mechanics and its applications, 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, May 21-23, 2018, Changsha, China, invited talk
[14] Hou X., Liu P., Tang J., Liu L., autonomous orbit determination between a lunar satellite and DRO probe, 40th COSPAR, Moscow, Russia, Aug 02-12, 2014 (oral)
[15] Hou X., Zhao Y.H., Yu S.X., Liu L., natural formation flying around collinear libration points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem, 39th COSPAR, July 14-22, 2012, Mysore, India (poster)
[16] Hou X., Liu L., Tang J.S., station-keeping of small amplitude motions around the collinear libration point in the real Earth-Moon system, 38th COSPAR, Bremen, Germany, July 18-25, 2010 (poster);
[17] Hou X., Liu L., Tang J.S., on three transfer ways to the Mars, 1st GLUC (Global Lunar Utilization Conference) & ICEUM-11 (ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon), Beijing, China, May 31-June 3, 2010 (oral)
[18] Liu C., Hou X.,Liu L., transfer from the Earth to a Lissajous orbit around the collinear libration point by Lunar swing-by, 36th COSPAR, Beijing, China, July 16-23, 2006 (oral)
[19] 刘欣,侯锡云,姚俊,刘山洪,Armellin R., 越火天体热力学雅科夫斯基效应的测定,南京,2024年全国行星科学大会,2024年10月6日-10月12日,口头报告
[20] 刘欣,Armellin R., 侯锡云,Pirovano L., 关于极短弧段观测情况下近地小天体的碰撞概率分析,2024年全国行星科学大会,2024年10月6日-10月12日,口头报告
[21] 李昊翰,缪宇轩,侯锡云,王海红,张国栋,地月空间平动点航天器的精密定轨光压模型,中国天文学会2024年学术年会,杭州,2024年10月29日-11月2日,口头报告
[22] 刘沐林,侯锡云,地月三角平动点附近的空间稳定轨道,中国天文学会2024年学术年会,杭州,2024年10月29日-11月2日,口头报告
[23] 侯锡云,Dinamics of binary asteroid flyby,小天体演化与风险分析研讨会,2023年12月22 -23日,南京
[24] 侯锡云,第二届数学与航天交叉融合学术大会,地月空间目标的轨道理论,北京,2023年10月27-28日,邀请报告
[25] 侯锡云,The effects of spin-orbit coupling in a binary asteroid flyby, 小天体与系外行星研讨会,澳门,2023年7月21-24日,口头报告
[26] 谭盼,侯锡云,Yarkovsky效应下主带共振小行星的偏心率演化,中国天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中国科学院行星科学重点实验室和月球与行星科学国家重点实验室2023年联合学术年会,2023年11月26-29日,腾冲,口头报告
[27] 王洋,侯锡云,Topputo F.,多圈最优小推力转移轨道求解研究,中国天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中国科学院行星科学重点实验室和月球与行星科学国家重点实验室2023年联合学术年会,2023年11月26-29日,腾冲,墙报
[28] 李伯胜,侯锡云,Spin-orbit coupling dynamics in a planar synchronous binary asteroid, 中国天文学会2023年学术年会,2023年8月29日-9月2日,威海,口头报告
[29] 谭盼,侯锡云,Yarkovsky效应下主带共振小行星的偏心率演化,第七届基本天文学现状与未来学术研讨会,昆明,2023年7月5-8日,口头报告
[30] 刘沐林、侯锡云,小天体离散元仿真软件的搭建与测试,江苏省天文学会2023年学术年会,2023年6月26-28日,苏州,口头报告
[31] 缪宇轩、侯锡云,CRTBP下有关小天体俘获概率的研究,江苏省天文学会2023年学术年会,2023年6月26-28日,苏州,口头报告
[32] 李昊翰、侯锡云,基于星间链路的小行星自主定轨和引力场系数反演分析,江苏省天文学会2023年学术年会,2023年6月26-28日,苏州,口头报告
[33] 侯锡云、刘欣,近地天体的雅科夫斯基效应测定,第一届雷达仪器应用研讨会,2023年1月8日,线上会议
[34] 王海槊,侯锡云,双星系统中主星同步轨道动力学特征,中国天文学会2021年学术年会,2021年10月22-24日,南充,口头报告
[35] 刘欣,侯锡云,近地天体的热力学雅科夫斯基效应的测定,中国天文学会2021年学术年会,2021年10月22-24日,南充,口头报告
[36] 侯锡云,近地小天体的动力学演化、撞击风险分析与就位探测,第一届全国行星科学大会,2021年6月18-21日,苏州,邀请报告
[37] 侯锡云,近地天体的撞击风险分析与就位探测,第一届近地小天体应对青年论坛,长沙,2021年5月20-23日,邀请报告
[38] 侯锡云,利用雷达资料的近地小行星精密定轨,第一届中国航天大会,哈尔滨,2018年4月23日-25日,口头报告
[39] 侯锡云,双小行星系统的轨旋耦合研究,第四届基本天文学现状及未来学术研讨会,恩施,2018年6月27日-29日,口头报告
[40] 侯锡云,小行星探测中的一些轨道力学问题,第四届全国航天飞行动力学技术研讨会,厦门,2015年10月28日~30日,大会报告
[41] 侯锡云,实际地—月系统中平动点的动力学特征及应用,中国科学院行星科学重点实验室2015年度学术年会,2015年12月5~6日,大会报告
[42] 侯锡云,平动点和小行星任务中的轨道问题,第八届全国空间轨道设计竞赛颁奖暨研讨会,扬州,2016年12月16日~18日,大会报告
[43] 侯锡云,双小行星系统的动力学演化,2017年天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中科院行星科学重点实验室2017年学术年会,长沙,2017年12月5日~7日,大会报告
[44] 侯锡云,小天体探测中的一些轨道问题,2018年天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中科院行星科学重点实验室2018年学术年会,宜兴,2018年12月26日-29日,大会报告
[45] Wang H.-S., Hou X.-Y., Breakup of the synchronous state of binary asteroid systems, 中国天文学会2020年学术年会,2020年10月12-14日,北京,口头报告
[46] Pan S.-S., Hou X.-Y., Genealogy of first-order resonant periodic families in the circular restricted three-body problem, 中国天文学会2020年学术年会,2020年10月12-14日,北京,口头报告
[47] 潘珊珊,侯锡云,Two-maneuver transfer from collinear to triangular libration points in the Earth-Moon system, 中国天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中国科学院行星科学重点实验室和月球与行星科学国家重点实验室2019年联合学术年会,四川,成都,2019年11月1日-4日,墙报
[48] 王海槊,侯锡云,On the secondary’s rotation in synchronous binary asteroid, 中国天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中国科学院行星科学重点实验室和月球与行星科学国家重点实验室2019年联合学术年会,四川,成都,2019年11月1日-4日,墙报
[1] 小天体Yarkovsky效应的测定与影响分析,中国科学院紫金山天文台,2023年11月11日
[2] 兰伯特问题与轨道规划简介,侯锡云,北京跟踪与通信技术研究所,2024年10月8日
[3] 限制性三体问题与地月空间轨道理论,侯锡云,北京跟踪与通信技术研究所,2024年10月8日
[4] 地月空间的轨道体系及应用,西安测绘研究所,2024年9月5日
[5] 近地天体的热力学效应测定,中国科学院国家天文台,2024年6月20日
[6] 地月空间的轨道理论与应用,中国科学院紫金山天文台,2023年10月9日
[7] 地月空间的一些应用探讨,国防科技大学,2023年5月5日
[8] 地月空间的轨道体系及应用,北京航天飞行控制中心,2022年9月21日
[9] 近地天体的轨道演化、风险分析与就位探测,中国科学院紫金山天文台,2021年8月18日
[10] 双小天体的动力学演化,中国科学院国家天文台,2021年6月11日
[11] 地月空间内的特殊轨道资源及其应用,航天东方红卫星有效公司,2021年3月17日
[12] Dynamical evolution and exploration of binary asteroid systems, State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Science, MUST, April 10th, 2019
[13] 双小行星动力学演化与探测,测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,武汉大学,2019年4月12日
[1] 中国空间技术研究院,XXXX,在研
[2] 航天东方红卫星有限公司,XXXX,在研
[3] 中国科学院国家天文台,地月空间多轨道类型定轨预报软件,在研
[4] 中国航天科技集团有限公司803所,椭圆轨道定位定轨算法,在研
[5] 上海宇航系统工程研究所,电推地月中转站小推力转移轨道设计与优化,在研
[6] 国自然重点项目,12233003,近地天体的起源、轨道演化和撞击风险分析,在研
[7] 中国空间技术研究院,地月通信导航轨道及自主定轨研究,结题
[8] 上海宇航系统工程研究所,轨道机动计算与优化模块研发,结题
[9] 平湖实验感知实验室科技有限公司,近地双星的近距离交会研究,结题
[10] 北京京航计算通讯研究所,载人飞船应急返回轨道设计与分析软件研制,结题
[11] 中国科学院国家天文台,近地天体的高精度轨道确定与预报研究,结题
[12] 中国科学院紫金山天文台,长周期彗星探测计划轨道设计,结题
[13] 天安星控(北京)科技有限责任公司,六自由度弹道与外测仿真软件技术开发,结题
[14] 上海宇航系统工程研究所,小行星探测优化轨迹设计方法研究,结题
[15] 上海宇航系统工程研究所,载人月球探测轨道设计研究,结题
[16] 东方红,轨道仿真子模块,结题
[17] 中国科学院国家天文台,近地天体撞击风险评估模型研制,在研
[18] 上海宇航系统工程研究所、XXXX,结题
[19] 军委科技委,重点研发论证课题, XX重点研发论证项目子课题,结题
[20] 国自然面上项目,11773017,双小行星系统的演化与动力学特征,结题
[21] 上海宇航系统工程研究所,月球探测轨道设计复核复算,结题
[22] 北京宇航系统工程研究所,火星探测器转移轨道优化设计和中途修正研究,结题
[23] 国自然优秀青年基金项目,11322330,深空探测中的轨道力学,结题
[24] 教育部全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金,小行星探测中的轨道力学问题,结题
[25] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,火星探测中的轨道问题,结题
[26] 总装备部863-704子课题,轨道机动动力学与控制研究,结题
[27] 国自然青年基金项目,10903002,共线平动点附近星座构型变化和编队飞行研究,结题
[28] 总装备部863-704子课题,空间机动平台轨道动力学建模方法研究,结题
[1] 科工局十四五近地天体防御专项,XXXX,在研
[2] 国自然青年项目,11703013,环绕小行星的高度非线性轨道动力学研究,结题
[3] 国自然面上项目,11673072,非主轴自转小行星的自转特性与形成演化机制研究,结题
[4] 航科集团八院,基于星上资源的轨道外推算法研究,结题
[5] 航科集团八院,平动点动力学特征及其在月球探测中的应用,结题
[6] 973攀登计划子课题,2013CB834103,深空探测中天体、航天器轨道运动的稳定性问题及其相关模型系统的数学理论,结题
[7] 航科集团一院,多约束地月转移轨道精确设计软件(偏重摄动力模型研究),结题
[8] 国自然天文联合基金重点项目,空间流形动力学理论及其在深空探测中的应用,结题
[9] 中国航科集团第八研究院,探月三期全程轨道研究,结题
[10] 国自然面上项目,40974019,基于月球平动点轨道的星座自主导航,结题
[11] 航科集团一院,火星探测器发射全过程中的轨道研究,结题
[12] 总装备部921办,载人登月飞行轨道研究,结题
[13] 国自然科面上项目,10673006,深空探测轨道力学,结题