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王雨雷 | 博士





Lecture: 2024.03.18





1. 太阳爆发电流片磁重联、耀斑环形成与环顶动力学模拟: 文章链接

2. 太阳爆发电流片振荡机制: 文章链接

3. 太阳耀斑电流片三维湍动磁重联模拟: 文章链接AAS NOVA亮点报道

4. 湍动等离子体中定位与分析三维磁重联的方法: 文章链接


13. Yulei Wang, Xin Cheng, Yang Guo, Jinhan Guo, Mingde Ding, A Method for Determining the Locations and Configurations of Magnetic Reconnection within Three-dimensional Turbulent Plasmas, Astronomy and Astrophysics 683, A224 (2024)

12. Yulei Wang, Xin Cheng, Mingde Ding, Zhaoyuan Liu, Jian Liu, Xiaojue Zhu, Three-dimensional Turbulent Reconnection within the Solar Flare Current Sheet, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 954, L36 (2023)

11. Yulei Wang, Xin Cheng, Zining Ren, and Mingde Ding, Current-Sheet Oscillations Caused by the Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability at the Loop Top of Solar Flares, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 931, L32 (2022)

10. Yulei Wang, Xin Cheng, Mingde Ding, and Quanming Lu, Annihilation of magnetic islands at the top of solar flare loops, The Astrophysical Journal 2021. 923(2): p. 227

09. Yulei Wang, Jian Liu, Yang He, High order explicit Lorentz invariant volume-preserving algorithms for relativistic dynamics of charged particles, Journal of Computational Physics 2021. 439(3): p. 110383

08. Yulei Wang, Feng Yuan, Jian Liu, A relativistic canonical symplectic particle-in-cell method for energetic plasma analysis, Plasma Science and Technology 2020. 22(6): p. 065001.

07. Yulei Wang, Jian Liu, Hong Qin, Zhi Yu, and Yicun Yao, The accurate particle tracer code. Computer Physics Communications, 2017. 220(Supplement C): p. 212-229.

06. Yulei Wang, Hong Qin, and Jian Liu, Multi-scale full-orbit analysis on phase-space behavior of runaway electrons in tokamak fields with synchrotron radiation. Physics of Plasmas, 2016. 23(6): p. 062505.

05. Yulei Wang, Jian Liu, and Hong Qin, Lorentz covariant canonical symplectic algorithms for dynamics of charged particles. Physics of Plasmas, 2016. 23(12): p. 122513.

04. Jian Liu, Yulei Wang, and Hong Qin, Collisionless pitch-angle scattering of runaway electrons. Nuclear Fusion, 2016. 56(6): p. 064002.

03. Ruili Zhang, Yulei Wang, Yang He, Jianyuan Xiao, Jian Liu, Hong Qin, and Yifa Tang, Explicit symplectic algorithms based on generating functions for relativistic charged particle dynamics in time-dependent electromagnetic field. Physics of Plasmas, 2018. 25(2): p. 022117.

02. Yanyan Shi, Yajuan Sun, Yulei Wang, and Jian Liu, Study of adaptive symplectic methods for simulating charged particle dynamics. Journal of Computational Dynamics, 2019. 6(2): p. 429-448.

01. Chang Liu, Hong Qin, Eero Hirvijoki, Yulei Wang, and Jian Liu, Conservative magnetic moment of runaway electrons and collisionless pitch-angle scattering. Nuclear Fusion, 2018. 58(10): p. 106018.

