Gas cycling processes, including the gas cooling and accretion onto the galaxy and the gas outflow driven by feedback, are the most essential processes regulating the gas content and the star formation in the galaxy. In this talk, I present a couple of research projects that intend to understand the gas cycling in and out of the galaxies and their central SMBHs, using mostly the (2D) spectroscopic data of galaxies and AGNs. I will also briefly report the current status of the development of the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) onboard the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), and mention the prospects of relevant researches when it comes online.
SHORT BIO: Dr. Lei Hao is a research scientist and professor at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Lei Hao’s main research interests are the formation and evolution of normal and active galaxies. Dr. Hao is the Project Scientist of the Integral Field Spectrograph on board of the Chinese Space Telescope, and the PI of the “China Lijiang IFU” project.