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雷汉伦 | 副教授,博导

雷汉伦,2010年6月南京大学天文系本科毕业,2015年6月获得南京大学天文与空间科学学院天体测量与天体力学专业博士学位,此后留校任助理研究员专职科研岗),于2018年6月晋升为副教授。2022年起担任博士生导师(博导)。2017年12月至2018年12月在意大利罗马大学航天工程系做访问学者(合作者:Christian Circi)。获2016年南京大学优秀博士论文。在教学方面获评“中国银行青年教师优秀教学奖”(2022年)。研究方向为天体力学中的摄动理论以及深空探测中的轨道力学主持 1 项国家自然基金面上项目(2024年结题)、 1 项国家自然基金青年项目(2019 年结题)和 1 项江苏省自然基金青年项目(2018 年结题)。参与国家自然基金面上项目、国家自然基金重点项目及国家重点研发计划项目各1项。











   包括但不限于:太阳系小天体动力学,哈密顿摄动理论,共振动力学,Eccentric von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai(ZLK)机制,行星系统倾斜角(obliquity)的起源与演化,长期动力学(包括长期共振),双小行星系统的轨-旋耦合动力学及演化。


   包括但不限于:空间流形(space manifold)转移理论,平动点动力学,平动点任务轨道设计,低能轨道,小行星探测,小推力轨道理论(最优控制),地月空间轨道理论及行星际轨道优化设计。














9、2023届,王  蕾,毕业论文:《平运动共振天体的长期动力学》


11、2024届,高  豪,毕业论文:《不规则小行星形状参数反演》,获南京大学本科优秀毕业论文二等奖






1、Lei H*. Dynamical structures associated with high-order and secondary resonances in the spin-orbit problem. The Astronomical Journal, 2024, 167(3): 121.

2、Lei H*, Gong Y*, Dynamical structures of misaligned circumbinary planets under hierarchical three-body systems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2024,532(2):1580-1597. 

3、Lei H*. Spin-orbit coupling of the primary body in a binary asteroid system.  Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2024, 136:37.

4、Lei H*. Spin-orbit coupling of the ellipsoidal secondary in a binary asteroid system.  The Astronomical Journal, 2024,168:146.

5、Zhao S., Lei H*, Ortore E. et al. Analytical investigation about long-lifetime science orbits around Galilean moons. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2024, 136, 14.

6、Zhao S, Huang X, Lei H*. ZLK secondary resonances can enhance the excitation of planetary eccentricity.  Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024, 689:A99.

7、Zhao S, Lei H*Lie-series transformations and applications to construction of analytical solution. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2025, 113, 2183-2198.

8、Zhao S, Lei H*, Shi X. Deep operator neural network applied to efficient computation of asteroid surface temperature and the Yarkovsky effect. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024, 691, A224.

9、Huang X, Lei H*. Dynamical Structures under Nonrestricted Hierarchical Planetary Systems with Different Mass Ratios. The Astronomical Journal, 2024, 167: 234.

10、Lu R, Lei H, Zhou LY*. On the Co-orbital Motion of Any Inclination. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2024, 48(1): 142-160.

11、Jian Li*, Zhihong Jeff Xia*, Lei H, Nikolaos Georgakarakos, Fumi Yoshida, Xin Li. Resonant amplitude distribution of the Hilda asteroids and the free-floating planet flyby scenario. Icarus, 2025, 425:116340.

12、张名艺,雷汉伦*. 高倾角共振小天体长期演化的哈密顿模型. 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2024.


1、Lei H*, Gong Y. Secular dynamics of stellar spin driven by planets inside Kozai–Lidov resonance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023: stad1750.

2、Li J*, Lawler S, Lei H. A study of the high-inclination population in the Kuiper belt–IV. High-order mean motion resonances in the classical region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 523(4): 4841–4854.

3、Cinelli M, Ortore E, Circi C, Lei H et al. Science Orbits with an Inner Disturbing Body and an Outer Disturbing Body. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2023, 46(6): 1206-1211.

4、鲁瑞, 雷汉伦, 周礼勇. 任意倾角的共轨运动研究. 天文学报, 2023, 64(5): 50.


1、Lei H*. A Systematic Study about Orbit Flips of Test Particles Caused by Eccentric Von Zeipel–Lidov–Kozai Effects. The Astronomical Journal, 2022, 163(5): 214.

2、Lei H*, Gong Y. Dynamical essence of the eccentric von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai effect in restricted hierarchical planetary systems. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022, 665: A62.

3、Lei H*, Li J, Huang X, et al. The Von Zeipel–Lidov–Kozai Effect inside Mean Motion Resonances with Applications to Trans-Neptunian Objects. The Astronomical Journal, 2022, 164(3): 74.

4、Lei H*, Huang X. Quadrupole and octupole order resonances in non-restricted hierarchical planetary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, 515(1): 1086-1103.

5、Huang X, Lei H*. Orbital Flips Caused by the Eccentric Von Zeipel–Lidov–Kozai Effect in Nonrestricted Hierarchical Planetary Systems. The Astronomical Journal, 2022, 164(6): 232.

6、Lei H*, Ortore E, Circi C. Secular dynamics of navigation satellites in the MEO and GSO region. Astrodynamics, 2022: 1-18.

7、Wang W, Lei H, Mengali G, et al. Along-track boundedness condition for spacecraft relative motion around a slowly rotating asteroid. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022, 59(1): 497-506.

8、Cinelli M, Lei H, Ortore E, et al. Probe lifetime around natural satellites with obliquity. Astrodynamics, 2022, 6(4): 429-439.

9、Shi X*, Castillo-Rogez J, Hsieh H, et al.(含Lei H) GAUSS-genesis of asteroids and evolution of the solar system: A sample return mission to Ceres. Experimental Astronomy, 2022: 1-32.


1、Lei H*. A new expansion of planetary disturbing function and applications to interior, co-orbital and exterior resonances with planets. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021, 21(12): 311.

2、Lei H*. Secular resonance of inner test particles in hierarchical planetary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 506(2): 1879-1888.

3、Lei H*, Li J. Dynamical structures of retrograde resonances: analytical and numerical studies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 504(1): 1084-1102.

4、Lei H*. Structures of secular resonances for inner test particles in hierarchical planetary systems. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2021, 133(9): 40.

5、Li M, Lei H, Huang Y, et al. Flip mechanism of Jupiter-crossing orbits in the non-hierarchical triple system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 502(4): 5584-5592.

6、Wang W, Wu D, Lei H, et al. Fuel-optimal spacecraft cluster flight around an ellipsoidal asteroid. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2021, 44(10): 1875-1882.

7、Li J, Lei H, Xia Z J. Apsidal asymmetric-alignment of Jupiter Trojans. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 505(2): 1730-1741.


1、Lei H*, Li J. Multiharmonic Hamiltonian models with applications to first-order resonances. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, 499(4): 4887-4904.

2、Lei H*. Dynamical models for secular evolution of navigation satellites. Astrodynamics, 2020, 4: 57-73.

3、Guo Q, Xu B, Lei H. Periodic Attitudes of Libration Point Spacecrafts in the Earth-Moon System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020.


1、Lei H*, Circi C, Ortore E, et al. Attitude stability and periodic attitudes of rigid spacecrafts on the stationary orbits around asteroid 216 Kleopatra. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63(2): 1017-1037.

2、Lei H*. A semi-analytical model for secular dynamics of test particles in hierarchical triple systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, 490(4): 4756-4769.

3、Lei H*. Three-dimensional phase structures of mean motion resonances. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, 487(2): 2097-2116.

4、Lei H*, Circi C, Ortore E. Secular dynamics around uniformly rotating asteroids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, 485(2): 2731-2743.

5、Lei H*, Circi C, Ortore E, et al. Quasi-frozen orbits around a slowly rotating asteroid. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2019, 42(4): 794-809.

6、Circi C, D'Ambrosio A, Lei H, et al. Global mapping of asteroids by frozen orbits: The case of 216 kleopatra. Acta Astronautica, 2019, 161: 101-107.

7、Guo Q, Lei H*. Families of Earth–Moon trajectories with applications to transfers towards Sun–Earth libration point orbits. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2019, 364(3): 43.


1、Lei H*, Circi C, Ortore E. Modified double-averaged Hamiltonian in hierarchical triple system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 481(4): 4602-4620.

2、Lei H*, Xu B, Circi C. Polynomial expansions of single-mode motions around equilibrium points in the circular restricted three-body problem. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2018, 130: 1-34.

3、Lei H*, Xu B. Low-energy transfers to cislunar periodic orbits visiting triangular libration points. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018, 54: 466-481.

4、Lei H*, Xu B. Resonance transition periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2018, 363: 1-11.

5、Lei H*, Circi C, Ortore E, et al. Periodic attitudes and bifurcations of a rigid spacecraft in the second degree and order gravity field of a uniformly rotating asteroid. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2018, 130: 1-24.

6、Peng Y, Xu B, Fang B, Lei H et al. Analytical predictor-corrector guidance algorithm based on drag modulation flight control system for Mars aerocapture. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018.

7、Guo Q, Lei H*, Xu B. Semianalytical Solutions of Relative Motions with Applications to Periodic Orbits about a Nominal Circular Orbit. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018.


1、Lei H*, Xu B, Zhang L. Trajectory design for a rendezvous mission to Earth’s Trojan asteroid 2010 TK7. Advances in Space Research, 2017, 60(11): 2505-2517.

2、Lei H*, Xu B. Invariant manifolds around artificial equilibrium points for low-thrust propulsion spacecraft. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2017, 362(4): 75.

3、Lei H*, Xu B. Families of impulsive transfers between libration points in the restricted three-body problem. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016, 461(2): 1786-1803.

4、Lei H*, Xu B. Transfers between libration point orbits of Sun–Earth and Earth–Moon systems by using invariant manifolds. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2016, 98: 163-186.


1、Lei H, Xu B. Analytical study on the motions around equilibrium points of restricted four-body problem. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 29(1-3): 441-458.

2、Lei H, Xu B. High-order solutions around triangular libration points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem and applications to low energy transfers. Communications in nonlinear science and Numerical Simulation, 2014, 19(9): 3374-3398.

3、Lei H, Xu B. High-order analytical solutions around triangular libration points in the circular restricted three-body problem. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013, 434(2): 1376-1386.

4、Lei H, Xu B, Sun Y. Earth–Moon low energy trajectory optimization in the real system. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 51(5): 917-929.

5、Lei H, Xu B, Hou X, et al. High-order solutions of invariant manifolds associated with libration point orbits in the elliptic restricted three-body system. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2013, 117: 349-384.

6、雷汉伦, 徐波. 从地球到日-火系平动点轨道的转移. 宇航学报, 2013, 34(6): 763-772.

7、雷汉伦, 徐波. 三角平动点附近高阶解在轨道位置保持中的应用. 宇航学报, 2015, 36(3): 253.

8、雷汉伦, 徐波. 小推力限制性三体系统下稳定平动点附近的高阶解. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2015 (11): 1207-1217.

9、雷汉伦, 徐波. 椭圆相对运动方程的高阶分析解. 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学, 2014 (6): 646-655.

10、雷汉伦. 平动点, 不变流形及低能轨道. 博士论文. 南京: 南京大学, 2015.



《摄动方法与理论》是天体力学与航天动力学的核心,是研究近可积系统的分析理论,在太阳系、系外行星、恒星系统等动力学研究中有着非常重要的应用。本书着重介绍求解动力学方程的各种摄动分析方法及基于正则变换的摄动理论,具体包括摄动分析方法、摄动函数展开、正则变换理论、平均化理论、von Zeipel变换理论、Lie级数变换理论、一般摄动理论、Wisdom摄动理论以及Henrard摄动理论。结合具体的非线性振动系统以及天体力学问题,如Duffing自由(或受迫)振动方程、三角平动点稳定性曲线、平动点轨道分析解、平运动共振、长期动力学、平动点非线性稳定性、卫星主问题、轨旋共振、Eccentric von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai效应等主题,介绍摄动理论的具体应用和最新的研究进展。每章节后面给出适量的习题,供读者思考。

