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黄永锋 | 杰出青年



曾经在天文学系讲授《实测天体物理》、《近代天文讲座》、《现代天文科研入门》等课程。2016年起主要承担《热力学 统计物理》课程的教学工作。




代表性论文目录(Main publications)

[1]    Huang Y.F., Lu T., 1997, Chinese Physics Letters, 14, 314 -- 316: “On the crust of a strange star”
[2]    Huang Y.F., Lu T., 1997, A&A, 325, 189 --- 194: “Strange stars: how dense can their crust be?”
[3]    Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Wei D.M., Lu T., 1998, MNRAS, 298, 459 -- 463: “Gamma-ray bursts: post-burst evolution of fireballs”
[4]    Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 1998, A&A, 336, L69 -- L72: ”GRB afterglows: from    ultra-relativistic to non-relativistic phase”  
[5]    Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 1998, Chinese Physics Letters, 15, 775 -- 777: “Fireball/blastwave model and soft gamma-ray repeaters”  
[6]    Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 1999, ApJ, 520, 634 -- 640: ”Gamma-ray burst afterglows from realistic fireballs”
[7]    Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 1999, MNRAS, 309, 513 -- 516: “A generic dynamical model of gamma-ray burst remnants”
[8]     Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 1999, Chinese Physics Letters, 16, 775 -- 777: “Overall evolution of realistic gamma-ray burst remnant and its afterglow”
[9]     Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2000, A&A, 355, L43 -- L46: “Rapid fading of optical afterglows as evidence for beaming in gamma-ray bursts”  
[10]     Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2000, Chinese Physics Letters, 17, 778 -- 780: “Afterglows from jetted gamma-ray burst remnant: does the light curve break?”
[11]     Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2000, MNRAS, 316, 943 -- 949: “On the optical light curves of afterglows from jetted gamma-ray burst ejecta: effects of parameters”   
[12]     Huang Y.F., Gou L.J., Dai Z.G., Lu T., ApJ, 2000, 543, 90 -- 96: “Overall evolution of jetted gamma-ray burst ejecta”  
[13]     Wang X.Y., Dai Z.G., Lu T., Wei D.M., Huang Y.F., 2000, A&A, 357, 543 -- 547: “A possible model for the supernova/gamma-ray burst connection”
[14]     Gou L.J., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2001, A&A, 368, 464 -- 470: “Gamma-ray burst afterglows from jetted shocks in wind environments”  
[15]     Cheng K.S., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2001, MNRAS, 325, 599 -- 606: “Gamma-ray bursts: afterglows from cylindrical jets”
[16]     Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2001, MNRAS, 324, L11 -- L15: “Light curves of jetted gamma-ray burst afterglows in circumstellar clouds”
[17]     Gou L.J., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2001, Chinese Astron. Astr., 25, 29 -- 40: “The joint effect of jet and stellar wind on GRB afterglow”  
[18]     Huang Y.F., Tan C.Y., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2002, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 26, 414 -- 423: “Are gamma-ray bursts due to isotropic fireballs or cylindrical jets?”   
[19]     Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2002, MNRAS, 332, 735 -- 740: “Failed gamma-ray bursts and orphan afterglows”  
[20]     Ma Z.X., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2002, Astrophysics and Space Science, 282, 537 -- 550: “The crust properties and cooling of strange stars”
[21]     Feng J.B., Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2002., Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 2, 525 -- 532: “Dynamical evolution of gamma-ray burst remnants with evolving radiative efficiency”   
[22]     Fan Y.Z., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2002, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 2, 449 -- 453: “Optical flash of GRB 990123: constraints on the physical parameters of the reverse shock”
[23]     Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., 2003, MNRAS, 341, 263 -- 269: “Gamma-ray bursts: optical afterglows in the deep Newtonian phase”  
[24]     Fu H., Huang Y.F., 2003, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 3, 535 -- 542: “Strange stars: can their crust reach the neutron dirp density?”  
[25]     Ma H.T., Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2003, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 3, 225 -- 234: “Cylindrical jet -- wind interaction model of gamma-ray burst afterglows”
[26]     Wu X.F., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2003, MNRAS, 342, 1131 -- 1138: “Optical flashes and very early afterglows in wind environments”
[27]     Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., Lu T., Cheng K.S., Wu X.F., 2003, ApJ, 594, 919 -- 923: “Gamma-ray bursts from neutron star kicks”
[28]     Liang S.L., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2003, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 3, 526 -- 534: “Extinction of beamed gamma-ray burst afterglows in a dense circumstellar cloud”
[29]     Huang Y.F., Wu X.F., Dai Z.G., Ma H.T., Lu T., 2004, ApJ, 605, 300 -- 306: “Rebrightening of XRF 030723: further evidence for a two-component jet in gamma-ray burst”  
[30]     Wu X.F., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2003, IAU Symposium, 214, 343 -- 344: “Optical flash and radio flare in wind environment”  
[31]     Huang Y.F., Lu T., Dai Z.G., Cheng K.S., 2003, IAU Symposium, 214, 321 -- 322: “Beaming effects in gamma-ray burst afterglows”  
[32]     Huang Y.F., Lu T., Dai Z.G., Cheng K.S., 2003, “Beaming effects in gamma-ray bursts”, in Stellar Astrophysics – A tribute to Helmut A. Abt, eds. K. S. Cheng, K. C. Leung, T. P. Li, THE SIXTH PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON STELLAR ASTROPHYSICS, JULY 11 - 11, 2002, XI'AN, CHINA  
[33]    Jia J.J., Huang Y.F., 2004, Chinese Astron. Astr., 28, 144 -- 153: “A numerical study of the collapse of the crust of strange stars”
[34]    Wu X..F., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Ma H.T., 2004, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 4, 455 -- 472: “Afterglow light curves of jetted gamma-ray burst ejecta in stellar winds”
[35]     Wu X.F., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2005, ApJ, 619, 968 -- 982: “Analytical light curves in the realistic model for gamma-ray burst afterglows”  
[36]     Wu X.F., Dai Z.G., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2005, MNRAS, 357, 1197 -- 1204: “Gamma-ray bursts: polarization of afterglows from two-component jets”
[37]     Tam P.H., Pun C.S.J., Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., 2005, New Astronomy, 10, 535 -- 544: “Early re-brightenings in GRB afterglows as signatures of low-to-high density boundary”     
[38]     Dai Z.G., Wu X.F., Wang X.Y., Huang Y.F., Zhang B., 2005, ApJ, 629, L81 -- L84: “A Two-Component Explosion Model for the Giant Flare and Radio Afterglow from SGR1806-20”  
[39]     Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., Gao T.T., 2006, ApJ, 637, 873 -- 879: “Modeling the Optical Afterglow of GRB 030329”
[40]     Lu Y., Cheng K.S., Huang Y.F., 2006, ApJ, 641, 288 -- 292: “Capture of a Red Giant by the Black Hole Sagittarius A* as a Possible Origin for the TeV Gamma Rays from the Galactic Center”     
[41]     Gao T. T., Huang Y. F., 2006, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 6, 305 -- 311: “On the Evolution of the Apparent Size of Gamma-Ray Burst Remnants”  
[42]     Huang Y.F., Lu T., Cheng K.S., 2005, Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics, 28, 415 -- 418: “GRB afterglows: Deep Newtonian phase and its application”      
[43]     Tam P.H., Cheng K.S., Wang X.Y., Huang Y.F., Pun J.C.S., 2005, Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics, 28, 447 -- 450: “Gamma-ray burst afterglows with cylindrical jet geometry”    
[44]    Huang Y.F., Lu Y., Wong A.Y.L., Cheng K.S., 2007, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 7, 397 -- 404: “A detailed study on the equal arrival time surface effect in gamma-ray burst afterglows”  
[45]     Lu Y., Huang Y.F., Zheng Z., Zhang S.N., 2007, IAU Symposium, 238, 403 -- 404: “The capture of main sequence stars and giant stars by a massive black hole”  
[46]     Huang Y. F., Cheng K. S., Lu Y., 2007, Advances in Space Research, 40, 1214 -- 1217: “Theoretical interpretation of the optical afterglow of GRB 030329”   
[47]     Lu Y., Zheng Z., Zhang S.N., Huang Y.F., 2007, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 373, 692 -- 693: “On the nature of the flares from three candidate tidal disruption events”    
[48]    Wu X.F., Dai Z.G., Wang X.Y., Huang Y.F., Feng L.L., Lu T., 2007, Advances in Space Research, 40, 1208 -- 1213: “X-ray flares from late internal and late external shocks”     
[49]     Wong A. Y. L., Huang Y. F., Cheng K. S., 2007, A&A, 472, 93 -- 99: “Transient X-ray Emission from Normal Galactic Nuclei”
[50]     Yu Y., Huang Y.F., 2007, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 7, 669 -- 674: “Shallow decay of X-ray afterglows in short GRBs: energy injection from a millisecond magnetar?”    
[51]     Huang Yongfeng, Lu Tan, Cheng Kwong Sang, 2007, Progress in Natural Science, 17, 1261 -- 1270: “Nonrelativistic phase in  -ray burst afterglows”      
[52]     Huang Y.F., Lu Y., Cheng K.S., 2008, AIP conference proceedings, 968, 40 -- 42: “Equal arrival time surface effects in GRB afterglows”     
[53]     Lu Y., Zheng Z., Huang Y.-F. and Zhang S.-N., 2008, AIP conference proceedings, 968, 378 -- 380: “Tidal Disruptions of Different Types of Stars by Massive Black Holes and Their Applications”    
[54]     Xu M., Huang Y.F., and Kong S., 2008, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., 8, 411 -- 420: “Ring-Shaped Jets in Gamma-ray Bursts”    
[55]     Chen L., Liu D.B., Huang Y.F., and You J.H., 2008, ApJ, 680, 539 -- 544: “Does the prompt  -ray emission of gamma-ray bursts arise from resonant inverse compton scattering?”
[56]     Jia J.J., Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., 2008, ApJ, 677, 488 -- 494: “A morphological approach to the pulsed emission from soft gamma repeaters”
[57]     Lu Y., Huang Y.F., Zhang S.N., 2008, ApJ, 684, 1330 -- 1335: “A tidal disruption model for the gamma-ray burst of GRB 060614”   
[58]     Huang Y. F., Lu T., 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1065, 165 -- 168: “GRB Afterglows in the Nonrelativistic Phase”      
[59]     Kong S.W., Huang Y.F., 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1065, 173 – 176: “Modeling the Radio and Optical/NIR Afterglows of GRB 980703: a Numerical Study”    
[60]     Xu M., Huang Y.F., Kong S.W., 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1065, 177 – 180: “Afterglows from Ring-Shaped Jet”    
[61]     Lu Y., Huang Y.F., Zhang S.N., 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1065, 285 – 288: “The Origin of the Gamma-Ray Burst of GRB 060614”      
[62]     Liu D.B., Huang Y.F., You J.H., Chen L., 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1065, 211 – 217: “Does the Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission of GRB Arise from RICS?”        
[63]     Kong S.W., Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., LuT. 2009, Science in China Series G, 52(12): 2047-2053: “Modeling the Radio and Optical/NIR Afterglows of GRB 980703: a Numerical Study”   
[64]     Wang X., Huang Y.F., Kong S.-W., 2009, A&A, 505, 1213-1219: “On the afterglow from the receding jet of gamma-ray bursts”  
[65]     Xu M., Huang Y.F., 2010, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron, 53(Suppl.1), 91-93: “A model for the optical flares from the Galactic transient SWIFT J195509+261406”    
[66]    Wang X., Huang Y.F., Kong S.W., 2010, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron,2010, 53(Suppl.1), 259-261: “Constraint on the counter-jet emission in gamma-ray burst afterglows from GRB 980703”  
[67]     Kong S.W., Huang Y.F., 2010, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron,2010, 53(Suppl.1), 94-97: “Afterglow from GRB 070610/Swift J195509.6+261406: an explanation using the fireball model”  
[68]     Xu M., Huang Y.F., Lu T., 2009, Research in Astron. Astrophys, 9, 1317–1323: “Long-term Continuous Energy Injection in the Afterglow of GRB 060729”   
[69]     Cheng K.S., Harko T., Huang Y.F., Lin L.M., Suen W.M., Tian X.L., 2009, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 9, Art. No. 007: “Relativistic Mass Ejecta from Phase-transition-induced Collapse of Neutron Stars”  
[70]     Kong S.W., Wong A.Y.L., Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., 2010, MNRAS, 402, 409 – 416: “Variation of microphysics in wind bubbles: an alternative mechanism for explaining the rebrightenings in Gamma-ray burst afterglows”   
[71]     Deng Wei, Huang Y.F., Kong S.W., 2010, RAA, 10, 1119–1126: “Measuring the beaming angle of GRB 030329 by fitting the rebrightenings in its multiband afterglow”
[72]     Xu M., Huang Y. F., 2010, A&A, 523, A5(5pp): “Early Rebrightenings of X-ray Afterglows from Ring-Shaped GRB Jets” (DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014352)
[73]     Xu M., Nagataki S., Huang Y. F., Lee, S. H., 2012, ApJ, 746, 49(6pp): “Failed Gamma-Ray Bursts: Thermal Ultraviolet/Soft X-Ray Emission Accompanied by Peculiar Afterglows”   
[74]    Kong S.W., Yu Y.W., Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., 2011, MNRAS, 416, 1067-1076: “Modeling the multiwavelength light curves of PSR B1259-63/SS 2883”
[75]     Xu M., Huang Y.F., 2012, A&A, 538, A134(5pp): “New three-parameter correlation for gamma-ray bursts with a plateau phase in the afterglow”  
[76]     Xu M., Nagataki S., Huang Y.F., 2011, ApJ, ApJ, 735, 3(5pp): “An Off-Axis Relativistic Jet Model for the Type Ic supernova SN 2007gr”
[77]     Gong Biping, Kong S.W., Xue F., Li Yaping, Huang Y.F., 2011, MNRAS, 418, 2451-2458: “Non-ballistic superluminal motion in the plane of the sky - II”   
[78]     Shi Ke, Huang Yong-Feng and Lu Tan, 2011, RAA, 11, 1403-1412: “The effects of parametrization of the dark energy equation of state”   
[79]    Huang Y.F., Cheng K.S., Dai Z.G., Lu T., 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings, 727, 475-478: “GRB afterglows in the deep Newtonian phase”       
[80]     Kong S. W., Cheng K. S., Huang Y. F., 2012, ApJ, 753, 127(9pp): “Modelling the multiwavelength light curves of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 - II. The effects of  anisotropic pulsar wind and Doppler boosting”   
[81]     Zhang Z. B., Chen D. Y., and Huang Y. F., 2012, ApJ, 755, 55: “Correlation between Peak Energy and Peak Luminosity in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts”
[82]     Shi K., Huang Y.F., and Lu T., 2012, MNRAS, 426, 2452-2462: “A comprehensive comparison of cosmological models from the latest observational data”  
[83]     Shi K., Huang Y.F., and Lu T., 2012, Physics Letters B, 717, 299-306: “Constraining dark energy using observational growth rate data”
[84]     Geng J.J. and Huang Y.F., 2013, ApJ, 764, 75 (9 pp), “On the Correlation of Low-energy Spectral Indices and Redshifts of Gamma-ray Bursts”  
[85]     Wang Xin, Meng Xiao-Lei, Zhang Tong-Jie, Shan HuanYuan, Gong Yan, Tao Charling, Chen Xuelei, Huang Y. F., 2012, JCAP, 11, 018: “Observational constraints on cosmic neutrinos and dark energy revisited”  
[86]    Zhang Zhibin, Huang Y. F., Liu, Hongchao, 2013, IAU Symposium, 290, 361-363: “On the Reclassification of Short GRBs”     
[87]    Yu Yongbo, Huang Y. F., 2013, RAA, 13, 662–670: “A two-step energy injection explanation for the rebrightenings of the multi-band afterglow of GRB 081029”    
[88]    Huang Y. F., Geng J. J., 2014, ApJ, 782, L20(4pp): “Anti-glitch induced by collision of a solid body with the magnetar 1E 2259+586”   
[89]    Geng J. J., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., Yu Y. B., 2013, ApJ, 779, 28(9pp): “Delayed Energy Injection Model For Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows”        
[90]    Wang X., Meng X. L., Huang Y. F., Zhang T. J., 2013, RAA, 13, 1013-1024: “Testing X-ray Measurements of Galaxy Cluster Gas Mass Fraction Using the Cosmic Distance-Duality Relation”  
[91]    Hou S. J., Geng J. J., Wang K., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., Dai Z. G., Lu J. F., 2014, ApJ, 785, 113: “The origin of the plateau and late rebrightening in the afterglow of GRB 120326A”
[92]    Zhang Z. B., Kong S. W., Huang Y. F., Li D., Li L. B., 2015, RAA, 15, 237–251: “Detecting Radio Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts with FAST”     
[93]    Geng J. J., Wu X. F., Li L., Huang Y. F., Dai Z. G., 2014, ApJ, 792, 31(10pp): “Revisiting the Emission from Relativistic Blast Waves in a Density-Jump Medium”     
[94]    Yu Y. B., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., Coward D. M., Stratta G., Gendre B., Howell E. J., 2015, MNRAS, 446, 3642 -- 3650: “Fall back accretion and energy injections in gamma-ray bursts”   
[95]    Geng J. J., Huang Y. F., Lu T., 2015, ApJ, 804, 21(5pp): “Coalescence of strange-quark planets with strange stars: a new kind of source for gravitational wave bursts”  
[96]    Zhang S.N. et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9144, id. 91440X 9 pp: “The high energy cosmic-radiation detection (HERD) facility onboard China's future Space Station”, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation meeting on June 23 in Montreal, Canada,   
[97]    Li L., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., et al., 2015, ApJ, 805, 13: “A Correlated Study of Optical and X-ray Afterglows of GRBs”     
[98]    Yu Y. B., Huang Y. F., Wu X. F., Xu M., Geng J. J., 2015, ApJ, 805, 88(6pp): “Signature of a spin-up magnetar from multi-band afterglow rebrightening of GRB 100814A”             
[99]    Li L. B., Zhang Z. B., Huang Y. F., Wu X. F., Kong S. W., Li D., Chang H. Y., Choi C. S., 2015, MNRAS, 451, 1815–1823: “Radio afterglows and host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts”,         
[100]    Huang Y. F., Geng J. J., Zhang, Z. B., 2015, Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics, published: “Collision-induced glitch/anti-glitches”    
[101]    Xu M., Huang Y. F., 2015, RAA, 15, 986–992: “Effect of rapid evolution of magnetic tilt angle on newborn magnetar’s dipole radiation”       
[102]    Zheng Xing-wu, Huang Yong-feng, 1996, ChA&A, 20, 437: “The density and magnetic field of the dense cores of the molecular cloud L 1630”      
[103]    Tam P. H., Cheng K. S., Pun C. S. J., Huang Y. F., 2004, AAS, 204, 6313: "GRB Afterglow light curves from Cylindrical Jets Interacting with Circumburst Molecular Clouds" Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 36, p.778    
[104]    Huang Y. F., Lu T., Cheng K. S., Multiwavelength Approach to Unidentified Gamma-Ray Sources, by Cheng, K.S.; Romero, G.E., ISBN 978-1-4020-3214-1. Springer, 2005, p. 53: "Beaming Effects in GRBs and Orphan Afterglows", DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3881-X_6,    
[105]    Wu X. F., Dai Z. G., Wang X. Y., Huang Y. F., Feng L. L., Lu T.,36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in Beijing, China. Meeting abstract from the CDROM, #731: "X-ray flares from late internal and late external shocks"  
[106]    Huang Y. F., Cheng K. S., Lu Y., 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in Beijing, China. Meeting abstract from the CDROM, #791: "Theoretical interpretation of the optical afterglow of GRB 030329"       
[107]    Lu Y.,  Huang Y. F., Zhang S. N., Lu P., 2008, IAUS, 252, 343 -- 344: "Tidal disruption of stripped red giants by massive black holes"     
[108]    Wang Xin, Huang Y. F., 2010, Deciphering the Ancient Universe With Gamma-Ray Bursts, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1279, pp. 460-462: "On the Counter-jet Emission in GRB Afterglows"   
[109]    Xu M., Huang Y. F., 2010, Deciphering the Ancient Universe With Gamma-Ray Bursts. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1279, pp. 463-465: "Early GRB Afterglow Rebrightenings from Ring-Shaped Jets"   
[110]    Kong S. W., Wong A. Y. L., Huang Y. F., Cheng K. S., 2010, Deciphering the Ancient Universe With Gamma-Ray Bursts. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1279, pp. 472-474: "Modeling afterglow rebrightenings by evolving the microphysics in the termination shock"     
[111]    Liu Dang-bo, Huang Yong-feng, Danzeng Luo-bu, Chen Tian-lu,2011, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 35, Issue 3, p. 227-244: " Collective Spectra of Resonant Inverse Compton Scattering of Assembly of Relativistic Electrons in Intense Magnetic Fields"  
[112]    Chen Xu, Huang Yong-feng, 2013, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 37, Issue 1, p. 68-76: "Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows from Cylindrical Jets in a Dense Environment"        
[113]    Geng J. J., Huang Y. F., 2015, ApJ, 809:24 (5pp): "Fast Radio Bursts: Collisions between Neutron Stars and Asteroids/Comets"   
[114]    Zhang Qiang, Huang Yong-Feng, Zong Hong-Shi, 2015, ApJ, 811, 83(7pp), “Modeling the Multi-band Afterglow of GRB 091127: Evidence of a Hard Electron Energy Spectrum with an Injection Break”    
[115]    Huang Y. F., Geng J. J., 2015, Proceedings of Frontiers in Radio Astronomy and FAST Early Sciences Symposium 2015 (FRA 2015)29-31 July, 2015, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China.  (, “Collision between Neutron Stars and Asteroids as a Mechanism for Fast Radio Bursts”, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2016., p.1    
[116]    Li L. B., Huang Y. F., Kong S. W., Zhang Z. B., Li D., Luo J. J., 2015, Proceedings of Frontiers in Radio Astronomy and FAST Early Sciences Symposium 2015 (FRA 2015)29-31 July, 2015, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China.  (, “Gamma-ray bursts: radio afterglow and host galaxy study with the FAST telescope”, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2016., p.7        
[117]    Geng J. J., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., Li L. and Dai Z. G., 2016, ApJ, 825:107 (11pp): “Imprints of electron-positron winds on the multi-wavelength afterglows of gamma-ray bursts”     
[118]    Yu Y. B., Huang Y.F., 2016, RAA, 16, 75(6pp): “Reduced spin-down rate of PSR J0738-4042 explained as due to an asteroid disruption event”        
[119]    Yu Y. B., Wu X. F., Huang Y. F., Xu M., 会议文集论文: “Energy Injections in Gamma Ray Bursts”    会议网址:   The International Workshop on  Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy:  Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts。会议地点:KChR, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO), KBR, Terskol (BNO), October, 7 - 14, 2015; in “Proceedings of the International Workshop on Quark Phase Transition in Compact Objects and Multimessenger Astronomy: Neutrino Signals, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts”, Russia, Nizhnij Arkhyz (SAO RAS), Terskol (BNO INR RAS), October, 7 - 14, 2015, pp. 168-174, Publishing house “Sneg”, Pyatigorsk, 2016       
[120]    Zhang Q., Huang Y.F., Zong H.S., 2016, ApJ, 823, 156 (9pp): “Modeling the Multi-Band Afterglow of GRB 130831A: Evidence for a Spinning-Down Magnetar Dominated by Gravitational Wave Losses?”       
[121]    Li L.B., Huang Y.F., Zhang Z.B., Li D., Li B., 2017, RAA, 17, 6 (10pp): “Intensity distribution function and statistical properties of fast radio bursts”   
[122]    Geng J.J., Huang Y.F., 2016, Advances in Astronomy, Volume 2016, Article ID 1592148 (10 pages): “Diverse Features of the Multi-wavelength Afterglows of Gamma-ray Bursts: Natural or Special?”   
[123]    Zhang Z.B., Chandra P., Huang Y.F., Li D., 2018, ApJ, 865, 82 (13pp):    “The redshift dependence of the radio flux of gamma-ray bursts and their host galaxies”  
[124]    Dai Z.G., Wang J.S., Wu X.F., Huang Y.F., 2016, ApJ, 829, 27 (7pp): “Repeating fast radio bursts from highly magnetized pulsars travelling through asteroid belts”
[125]    Geng J.J., Zhang B., Huang Y.F., 2016, ApJ Lett, 831, L10 (5pp): “A model of white dwarf pulsar AR Scorpii”      
[126]    Shu X.Y., Huang Y.F., Zong H.S., 2017, Modern Physics Letters A, 32, No. 4, 1750027 (11 pages): “Gamma-ray bursts generated from phase transition of neutron stars to quark stars”      
[127]    Huang Y.F., Yu Y.B., 2017, ApJ, 848, 115 (6pp): “Searching for strange quark matter objects in exoplanets”      
[128]    Geng J.J., Huang Y.F., Dai Z.G., 2017, ApJ Lett., 841, L15 (6pp): “Steep decay of GRB X-ray flares: the results of anisotropic synchrotron radiation”          
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