1991-1995南京大学基础学科教学强化部 学士学位
1995-2000南京大学天文系 博士学位
期间: 2003.1-2004.1 芬兰图尔库大学,博士后研究
2006.10-2007.3 巴西圣保罗大学、2008-2020间,奥地利维也纳大学、2009.5-6台湾清华大学等访问学者。
兼任中国天文学会“天体力学与卫星动力学”专业委员会主任、国际天文学联合会Inter A-F分会组织委员等职。
Yi-Sui Sun & Li-Yong Zhou: From ordered to chaotic motion in celestial mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore, 2015 (420 pages)
Papers (selected):
n Xuefeng Wang, Li-Yong Zhou, Cristian Beauge: Resonant chains in triple-planet systems, A&A 687, A266, 2024
n Hailiang Li, Li-Yong Zhou: Secular structure of 1:2 and 1:3 mean motion resonances with Neptune, A&A 687, A206, 2024
n Zhou Yufan, Li Hailiang, Li Zhiyuan, Zhou Liyong: MARTIANS (MARs2020, TIANwen and So on) would see more potentially hazardous asteroids than Earthlings, MNRAS 532, L7, 2024
n Lu R., Lei H., Zhou L.-Y.: On the co-orbital motion of any inclination, CAA 48, 142, 2024
n Hailiang Li, Li-Yong Zhou: Asymmetric capture into Neptunian 1:2 resonance, A&A 680, A68, 2023
n K. Shuai, H. Hui, L. Zhou, W. Li: Spatial distribution of isotopes and compositional mixing in the inner protoplanetary disk, A&A 673, A5, 2023
n Xu Y.-B., Zhou L.-Y., Hui H., Li J.-Y.: The diurnal Yarkovsky effect of irregularly shaped asteroids, A&A 666, A65, 2022
n Xu Y.-B., Zhou L., Lhotka C., Zhou L.-Y., Ip W.-H.: Trojan asteroids and the co-orbital dust ring of Venus, A&A 666, A88, 2022
n K. Shuai, H. Hui, L. Zhou, W. Li: Accretion regions of meteorite parent bodies inferred from a two-endmember isotopic mixing model, MNRAS 513, 363-373, 2022
n X. Shi, et al (including Zhou L.-Y.): GAUSS – genesis of asteroids and evolution of the solar system, a sample return mission to Ceres, Experimental Astonomy, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10686-021-09800-1, 2021
n Zhou L., Dvorak R., Zhou L.-Y.: On the formation of terrestrial planets between two massive planets: the case of 55 Cancri, MNRAS 505, 4571-4585, 2021
n Zhou L., Lhotka C., Gales C., Narita Y., Zhou L.-Y.: Dynamics of charged dust in the orbit of Venus, A&A 645 A63, 2021
n Xu Y.-B., Zhou L.-Y., Ip W.-H.: Transit of asteroids across the 7/3 Kirkwood gap under the Yarkovsky effect, A&A 637, A19, 2020
n Xu Y.-B., Zhou L.-Y., Lhotka C., Ip W.-H.: Asteroid migration due to the Yarkovsky effect and the distribution of the Eos family, MNRAS 493, 1447-1460, 2020
n Zhou L., Zhou L.-Y., Dvorak R., Li J.: Systematic survey of the dynamics of Uranus Trojans, A&A 633, A153, 2020
n Li J., Lawler S., Zhou L.-Y., Sun Y.-S.: A study of the high-inclination population in the Kuiper belt – III. The 4:7 mean-motion resonance, MNRAS 492, 3566-3579, 2020
n 董城昱,周礼勇: 冥族小天体与海王星特洛伊的近密交会, 天文学进展 37, 322-336, 2019
n Li J., Xia Z., Zhou L.-Y.: Calibration of the angular momenta of the minor planets in the solar system, A&A 630, A68, 2019
n Dvorak R., Loibnegger B., Zhou L.-Y., Zhou L.: The formation of habitable planets in the four-planet system HD 141399, MNRAS 458, 5604-5614, 2019
n Zhou L., Xu Y.-B., Zhou L.-Y. et al: Orbital stability of Earth Trojans, A&A 622, A97, 2019
n Niu C., Cui J., Gu H., Dong C., Zhou L.-Y. et al: A Test Particle Monte Carlo Investigation of the CH4 Torus around Saturn, AJ 157, 15, 2019
n Wu R., Zhou L., Zhou L.-Y.: Neptune Trojans: a revisit and a new member, CAA 43, 262-277 (2019) (中文版: 天文学报59, 1, 2018)
n 夏睿奇, 周礼勇: 地球特洛伊天体稳定区域研究, 天文学报 59, 8, 2018
n Wu N., Wang X., Zhou L.-Y.: Comment on “Out-of-plane equilibrium points in the restricted three-body problem with oblateness”, A&A 614, A67, 2018
n Li J., Zhou L.-Y., Sun Y.-S.: A study of the high-inclination population in the Kuiper belt – II. The Twotinos, MNRAS 443, 1346–1357, 2014
n Li J., Zhou L.-Y., Sun Y.-S.: A study of the high-inclination population in the Kuiper belt – I. The Plutinos, MNRAS 437, 215–226, 2014
n 周礼勇,管璞,孙义燧: 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 44, 1252-1261, 2014 (邀请综述)
n Zhou L.-Y., Li J., Cheng J., Sun Y.-S.: Hyperbolic structure and stickiness effect: A case of a 2D area-preserving twist mapping, SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica 57, 1737–1750, 2014
n Guan P., Zhou L.-Y. & Li Jian: Trailing (L5) Neptune Trojans: 2004 KV18 and 2008 LC18, RAA, 12, 1549-1562, 2012
n R. Dvorak, C. Lhotka, L. Zhou, The orbit of 2010 TK7. Possible regions of stability for other Earth Trojan asteroids, A&A, 541, A127, 2012
n Jian Li, Li-Yong Zhou, Yi-Sui Sun, Evolution of Jovian planets in a self-gravitating planetesimal disk, A&A 528, A86, 2011
n Li-Yong Zhou, Rudolf Dvorak, Yi_sui Sun, The Dynamics of Neptune Trojans: II. Eccentric orbits and observed objects, MNRAS, 410, 1849-1860, 2011
n Rudolf Dvorak, Akos Baszo, Li-Yong Zhou, Where are the Uranus Trojans? Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron.,107, 51-62, 2010
n Li-Yong Zhou, Rudolf Dvorak, Yi_sui Sun, The Dynamics of Neptune Trojan: I. The inclined orbits, MNRAS, 398, 1217-1227, 2009
n Yi-Sui Sun & Li-Yong Zhou, Stickiness effects in three-dimensional volume- preserving mappings, Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron., 103, 119-131, 2009
n Li-Yong Zhou, Sylvio Ferraz-Mello & Yi-Sui Sun, Formation and transformation of the 3:1 mean-motion resonance in the 55 Cancri system, in “Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics”, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No.249, 2008
n Jian Li, Li-Yong Zhou, & Yi-Sui Sun, The origin of the high-inclination Neptune Trojan 2005 TN53, A&A, 464, 775-778, 2007
n Jian Li, Li-Yong Zhou & Yi-Sui Sun, Formation of the Kuiper belt by long time-scale Jovian planets, Chin. J. Aston. Astrophys., 6, 588-596, 2006
n Yi-Sui Sun, Li-Yong Zhou & Ji-Lin Zhou, The role of hyperbolic invariant sets in stickiness effects, Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron., 92, 257-272, 2005
n Li-Yong Zhou, Harry J. Lehto, Yi-Sui Sun & Jia-Qing Zheng, Apsidal corotation in mean motion resonance: the 55 Cancri as an example, MNRAS, 350, 1495-1502, 2004
n Li-Yong Zhou,H.J. Lehto & J.Q. Zheng, The 3:1 resonance in the 55 Cancri, Order and Chaos in Stellar and Planetary Systems, ASP Conference Series, 316, 155-157, 2004
n Ji-Lin Zhou, Yi-Sui Sun & Li-Yong Zhou, Evidence for Levy random walks in the evolution of comets from the Oort cloud, Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron., 84, 409-427, 2002
n Li-Yong Zhou, Yi-Sui Sun, Ji-Lin Zhou, Jia-Qing Zheng & Mauri Valtonen, Stochastic effects in the planet migration and orbital distribution of the Kuiper belt, MNRAS, 336, 520-526, 2002
n Zhou Ji-Lin, Zhou Li-Yong & Sun Yi-Sui, Hyperbolic structure and Stickiness effect. Chinese Phys. Lett.,19(9), 1254-1256, 2002
n ZHOU Li-Yong,ZHOU Ji-lin & SUN Yi-sui, Stabilities of asteroid orbits in resonances,Science in China A, 45(1),122-128,2002
n ZHOU Li-Yong, SUN Yi-sui & ZHOU Ji-lin, Diffusion Characters of the Orbits in the Asteroid Motion, Applied Math. & Mech.,22,808,2001
n Zhou Liyong, Sun Yisui & Zhou Jilin, Diffusion in a Symplectic Map with Application to Asteroid Motion. Chin. Phys. Lett.,17, 708, 2000
n Zhou Li-Yong, Sun Yi-Sui & Zhou Ji-Lin, Structrue of the phase space near Lagrange's triangular equilibrium points, Chin. Astron. Astrophys., 24, 119, 2000